Friday, July 23, 2010

Vai JMG: HomoQuotable - Mike Alvear

"Why do so many effeminate gay men prefer in their partners the very masculinity they've bleached out of themselves? The obvious answer is that they're attracted to their opposites. But that answer only goes so far. Effeminate men may lust for their masculine counterparts but most masculine men don't return the favor.

"Effeminate men get hoisted on their own chiffon petards. The more they take on effeminate characteristics the less able they are to attract the kinds of guys they want to sleep with. This is a mating absurdity. Imagine birds trying to attract mates with red and white plumage when the objects of their affection are attracted to yellow and green. The mis-matched mating call of the merry marys brings up a great question: If effeminacy is counter-productive to attracting the kind of sexual partners you want, then why not butch it up? Is it because like being gay, being effeminate isn't a choice?

"Nobody knows what fuels the gay flame -- nature or nurture. Some believe gay guys turn sissy because they're naturally nelly and some think it's because they're conforming to a culture that expects it. I've always maintained that effeminacy is like obesity. Sometimes it's glandular, but mostly it's cultural. There's an undeniable Pansy Vortex in gay life. You fall into it with baggy jeans and a t-shirt and climb out of it with spandex up the crack of your ass." - Mike Alvear, writing for the Huffington Post.

Read the entire essay.

RELATED: A lot of you took issue with Alvear's last essay quoted here.

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reposted from Joe

Via Belirico: In Defense of Same Sex Marriage

Editors' Note: Guest blogger Dr. Carlos T Mock is a native Puerto Rican who resides in Chicago, IL and Three Oaks, MI. He has published four books and is the GLBT Editor for Floricanto Press in Berkley, CA.

carlos mock.jpgSince Same-sex marriage in the U.S. began on May 17, 2004 in the State of Massachusetts; for 14 years courts and many Americans began to change their minds on the subject. However, the Federal government has clung to its official definition of marriage as only between a man and a woman. On Thursday, one of the most conservative federal judges, Judge Joseph L. Tauro--named by Reagan--in the same state where it all began, finally stood up and said there was never a rational basis for that definition. The outcome he reached is long overdue.

The unsustainable Federal definition of marriage is contained in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. At the time, there was no legal same-sex marriage in the United States. But now five states and the District of Columbia issue licenses to all couples. Because of the federal law, thousands of couples in those states cannot receive the same federal benefits as opposite-sex couples, including Social Security survivor payments and spousal burials in national military cemeteries.

Continue reading "In Defense of Same Sex Marriage" »

VIA Belirico: Queer music Friday - Gregory Douglass

Not entirely unrelated to this video, Phil Reese and I joked around via email a few months ago about how a certain genre of rock/pop has subtlety become the domain of the gay musician. Here's Gregory Douglass's "Hang Around."

More music by Douglass after the jump.

Continue reading "Queer music Friday - Gregory Douglass" »

Via JMG: Lt. Dan Choi: The Closet Is A Poison

Lt. Dan Choi discusses his formal discharge from the military under DADT, which was revealed earlier this week.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: GLAAD Issues Annual Network Rankings

GLAAD has released their fourth annual Network Responsibility Index, which reports on how television's big guns handle LGBT programming. MTV earned its first-ever "excellent" rating, while CBS earned a "fail." Embiggen the below image for a breakdown of this year's rankings or hit the link for more.

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reposted from Joe